西安財經(jīng)大學2025年外籍專業(yè)教師招聘公告 一、學校簡介 西安財經(jīng)大學始于1952年,歷經(jīng)七十年的薪火相傳,現(xiàn)為陜西省人民政府與國家統(tǒng)計局共建的高等院校。學校擁有長安、雁塔等四大校區(qū),占地1600余畝,校園環(huán)境優(yōu)美,文化底蘊深厚,毗鄰大雁塔、秦嶺北麓等著名景觀,兼具古都文脈與現(xiàn)代氣息?! W校以經(jīng)濟學、管理學為主干學科,突出統(tǒng)計學、財政學、金融學、會計學等領域的特色優(yōu)勢,構建了涵蓋文學、法學、理學、工學、藝術學的多學科協(xié)調發(fā)展體系。學校設有14個二級學院(部),49個本科專業(yè),其中國家級“一流本科專業(yè)”建設點12個、省級“一流本科專業(yè)”建設點11個,還有 3 個國家級特色專業(yè)?! W?,F(xiàn)有專任教師1200余名,其中國家及省部級專家72人次,全國模范教師、省級教學名師等24人次。全日制在校生近2萬人,學生競賽表現(xiàn)優(yōu)異,獲國際級獎項42項、國家級409項。畢業(yè)生近三年就業(yè)率平均達86%以上?! W校擁有應用經(jīng)濟學、統(tǒng)計學等7個一級學科碩士學位授權點,金融、會計等12個專業(yè)碩士學位授權點,統(tǒng)計學入選陜西省“國內一流學科建設高校”建設學科,應用經(jīng)濟學、法學等4個學科為省級優(yōu)勢學科。學校教育教學成果顯著,連續(xù)在2007年、2017年、2023年高質量通過教育部本科教學評估,近三屆獲國家級、省級教學成果獎16項?! W校堅持產(chǎn)學研深度融合,建有中國(西安)絲綢之路研究院、西安統(tǒng)計研究院等15個省部級科研基地,近五年承擔國家級、省部級科研項目660余項。作為教育部、國家統(tǒng)計局等部門的培訓基地,學校為行業(yè)輸送了大批專業(yè)人才。學校還與英國南威爾士大學、俄羅斯圣彼得堡國立經(jīng)濟大學等94所海外高校建立合作關系,推進教育國際化進程?! ∧壳?,西安財經(jīng)大學以高質量發(fā)展為引領,正朝著建設特色鮮明的高水平財經(jīng)大學的奮斗目標邁進!學校以優(yōu)厚待遇面向海內外公開招聘博士人才,竭誠歡迎優(yōu)秀人才加盟,共襄盛舉! 二、崗位待遇 聘期1年(12個月),薪酬待遇實行年薪制。 三、招聘專業(yè)
序號 | 學院(部) | 計劃數(shù) | 選聘學科 及代碼 | 選聘學科方向 | 部門聯(lián)系方式 |
1 | 經(jīng)濟 學院 | 2 | 0202應用經(jīng)濟學 | 金融學、數(shù)字經(jīng)濟學 | 部門聯(lián)系人:褚希偉 辦公電話:029-81556294 接收招聘簡歷郵箱:jjxy@mail.xaufe.edu.cn |
2 | 商學院 | 4 | 1202工商管理 0202應用經(jīng)濟學 0812計算機科學與技術 | 會計學、財務管理、審計學、財政學、稅收學、商業(yè)數(shù)據(jù)分析、數(shù)量經(jīng)濟、人工智能、大數(shù)據(jù)、戰(zhàn)略管理、市場營銷、組織管理、人力資源管理、企業(yè)生產(chǎn)管理、質量管理、創(chuàng)新創(chuàng)業(yè)管理、技術經(jīng)濟管理 | 部門聯(lián)系人:溫老師 辦公電話:81556357 接收招聘簡歷郵箱:2024010044@xaufe.edu.cn |
3 | 管理學院 | 4 | 1202工商管理學 | 創(chuàng)新與創(chuàng)業(yè)管理、組織理論與組織設計、組織行為與人力資源管理、市場營銷與消費行為、生產(chǎn)運營與質量管理、物流與供應鏈管理 | 部門聯(lián)系人:杜立琦 辦公電話:81556257 接收招聘簡歷郵箱:glxy@mail.xaufe.edu.cn |
1201管理科學與工程 | 大數(shù)據(jù)管理與應用、商務數(shù)據(jù)分析與智能方向、金融大數(shù)據(jù)方向、大數(shù)據(jù)技術與工程方向 |
4 | 信息 學院 | 4 | 0812計算機科學與技術 0835軟件工程 0839網(wǎng)絡空間安全 | 云計算、大數(shù)據(jù)技術、人工智能、數(shù)據(jù)科學與智能計算、計算機系統(tǒng)結構、計算機軟件與理論、軟件設計及數(shù)據(jù)庫開發(fā)、數(shù)據(jù)中臺、網(wǎng)絡工程、物聯(lián)網(wǎng)工程、網(wǎng)絡安全、互聯(lián)網(wǎng)金融安全 | 部門聯(lián)系人:張曰賢 辦公電話:029-81556317 接收招聘簡歷郵箱:xxxy@mail.xaufe.edu.cn |
1201管理科學與工程 1202工商管理 | 數(shù)據(jù)治理、信息系統(tǒng)與信息管理、大數(shù)據(jù)管理與應用、物流與供應鏈管理、運營管理、電子商務、數(shù)字經(jīng)濟與商務智能、社會計算、信任管理、商業(yè)數(shù)據(jù)分析 |
5 | 文學院 | 2 | 0812計算機科學與技術 | 數(shù)字媒體技術 | 部門聯(lián)系人:劉江龍 辦公電話:029-83695806 接收招聘簡歷郵箱:wxy@mail.xaufe.edu.cn |
6 | 公共管理學院 | 4 | 1204公共管理學 | 行政管理、公共政策 | 部門聯(lián)系人:趙老師 辦公電話:029-81556890; 接收招聘簡歷郵箱:ggglxy@mail.xaufe.edu.cn |
0302 政治學 | 政治學理論 |
7 | 外國語學院 | 5 | 0502外國語言文學 | 英語語言文學、外國語言學及應用語言學、翻譯學、比較文學與跨文化研究、學科教學(英語) | 部門聯(lián)系人:周蕓 辦公電話:029-83695534 接收招聘簡歷郵箱:wgyxy@mail.xaufe.edu.cn |
8 | 數(shù)學 學院 | 4 | 0812計算機科學與技術 | 計算機軟件與理論(數(shù)據(jù)庫系統(tǒng)、并行處理與高性能計算、人工智能) | 部門聯(lián)系人:孫曉敏 辦公電話:029-81556911 接收招聘簡歷郵箱:sxxy@mail.xaufe.edu.cn |
0202應用經(jīng)濟學 | 數(shù)量經(jīng)濟學(數(shù)理經(jīng)濟學、金融科技方向) |
9 | 體育教學部 | 1 | 0403 體育學 0202應用經(jīng)濟學 1202 工商管理學 | 運動生理學、運動解剖學、運動醫(yī)學、運動生物化學、運動生物力學、運動康復治療學、運動心理學、社會體育指導與管理、智能體育工程、體育史學、體育哲學、體育社會學、體育經(jīng)濟學、體育管理學、體育法學、體育新聞傳播學、休閑體育 | 部門聯(lián)系人:牛崢 辦公電話:029-85950162 接收招聘簡歷郵箱:tyjxb@mail.xaufe.edu.cn |
合計 | 30 | | | |
四、招聘條件 ?。ㄒ唬┠挲g應在45周歲以下,身體健康。 ?。ǘ┰趪鴥戎髮W、科研機構取得博士學位,具有教學或研究經(jīng)歷,能夠運用漢語或英語獨立講授至少1門專業(yè)課程?! 。ㄈI(yè)背景符合學校的學科設置,滿足相應專業(yè)教學需求?! 。ㄋ模┓稀锻鈬嗽谥袊蜆I(yè)管理規(guī)定》《高等學校聘請外國文教專家和外教的規(guī)定》《學校及其他教育機構聘用外籍專業(yè)人員管理辦法》等文件的相關規(guī)定,并須2名國內相關領域專家推薦,其中1名為本人的博士生導師?! ∥濉阜绞健 竺绞綖榫W(wǎng)絡報名,應聘人員按照擬聘學院(部)聯(lián)系方式投遞簡歷,同時應聘人員將《西安財經(jīng)大學外籍專業(yè)教師聘用報名表》《西安財經(jīng)大學外籍專業(yè)教師相關領域專家推薦表》、護照、學歷學位證書、學術成果(主要論文及相關檢索證明、著作、科研項目及獲獎、發(fā)明創(chuàng)造及獲獎)以及其他有關證明材料,以附件(附件材料應為一個壓縮包)形式通過電子郵件發(fā)送至應聘學院郵箱,郵箱主題和附件命名格式應為“崗位-畢業(yè)院校-專業(yè)-姓名”。材料不齊全及格式不符合要求者恕不受理,報名材料請自行備份?! ∥靼藏斀?jīng)大學 2025年2月25日 2025Foreign Professional Teacher Recruitment Announcementof Xi’an University of Finance and Economics I.BriefIntroduction to the University Xi'an University of Finance and Economics was founded in 1952. After seventy years of continuous development, it is now a higher education institution jointly established by the People's Government of Shaanxi Province and National Bureau of Statistics. TheUniversity has four campuses, namely Chang’an campus, Yanta campus, Cuihua East campus and Cuihua West campus, covering an area of more than 1,600 mu. The campus is beautiful with rich cultural heritage and modern amenities, adjacent to famous landmarks such as the Big Wild Goose Pagoda and the northern foot of Qinling Mountains. WithEconomics andManagement as the core disciplines, the University highlights the characteristic advantages ofStatistics,PublicFinance,Finance,Accounting and other fields, and builds a multi-disciplinary coordinated development system coveringLiterature,Law,Science,Engineering andArts. The University has 14 secondary schools (departments), 49 undergraduate majors,including12 national“first-class undergraduate major” construction sites, 11 provincial“first-class undergraduate major” construction sites, as well as 3 national characteristic majors. Now the university has more than 1,200 full-time teachers, including 72 national, provincial and ministerial experts, as well as 24 national model teachers, provincial famous teachers and other honorary winners, which hasnearly 20,000 full-time students, in recent years, our students have made outstanding achievements in various competitions at all levels and won 42 international awards, 409 national awards. The average employment rate of graduates in recent three years is above 86%. The University has7 first-level discipline master’s degree authorized units, including Applied Economics, Statistics, etc., and 12 professional master’s degree authorized units, including Finance, Accounting,etc., as well as 4 provincial advantageous disciplines including Applied economics, Law, etc.Statistics is listed as the construction discipline of “Domestic First-class Discipline Construction University” by Shaanxi Province. The University has achieved significant educational outcomes, consistently passing the Ministry of Education's undergraduate teaching assessment with high quality in 2007, 2017, and 2023. In the last three years, it has won 16 national and provincial teaching achievement awards. The University adheres to deep integration of industry, academia, and research, andhas established15 provincial and ministerial scientific research basesincluding China (Xi’an) Silk Road Research Institute, Xi’an Statistics Research Institute, etc. In the past five years, it has undertaken over 660 national and provincial research projects. As a training base for the Ministry of Education, the National Bureau of Statistics, and other departments, the University has provided a large number of professionals to the industry andsuccessively established friendly relations and cooperation with 94 famous foreign universities includingUniversity of South Wales in UK, St. Petersburg State University of Economics in Russia to promote the process of internationalization of education. At present, Xi’an University of Finance and Economics, guided by high-quality development, is moving towards the goal of building a high-level university of finance and economics with distinctive characteristics. The University openly recruits doctoral talents at home and abroad with liberal wages and benefits, and sincerely welcomes outstanding talents to join us! II. Post benefits The employment period isone year (12 months), and the annual salary system is implemented. III. Recruiting majors
S/N | School (Department) | Number of people planned | Selecteddiscipline andcode | Discipline orientation | Department contact details |
1 | School of Economics | 2 | AppliedEconomics | Finance, Digital Economics | Contact person: Chu Xiwei Office Phone:029-81556294 Recruitment Email: jjxy@mail.xaufe.edu.cn |
2 | School of Business | 4 | BusinessAdministration, AppliedEconomics, Computer Science and Technology | Accounting, Financial Management, Auditing,PublicFinance, Taxation, Business Data Analysis, Quantitative Economics, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data,Strategic Management, Marketing, Organizational Management, Human Resource Management, Enterprise Production Management, Quality Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management, Technical and Economic Management | Contact person: Mr. Wen Office Phone:81556357 Recruitment Email: 2024010044@xaufe.edu.cn |
3 | School of Management | 4 | Science of Business Administration | Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management, Organizational Theory and Design, Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, Marketing and Consumer Behavior, Production Operation and Quality Management, Logistics and Supply Chain Management | Contact person: Du Liqi Office Phone:81556257 Recruitment Email: glxy@mail.xaufe.edu.cn |
ManagementScience andEngineering | Big Data Management and Application, Business Data Analysis and Intelligence, Financial Big Data, Big Data Technology and Engineering |
4 | School of Information | 4 | Computer Science and Technology,Software Engineering, Cyberspace Security | Cloud Computing, Big Data Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Intelligent Computing, Computer System Architecture, Computer Software and Theory, Software Design and Database Development, Data Middle Platform, Network Engineering, Internet of Things Engineering, Network Security, Internet Financial Security | Contact person: Zhang Yuexian Office Phone:029-81556317 Recruitment Email: xxxy@mail.xaufe.edu.cn |
Management Science and Engineering,Business Administration | Data Governance, Information System and Information Management, Big Data Management and Application, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Operations Management, E-commerce, Digital Economy and Business Intelligence, Social Computing, Trust Management, Business Data Analysis |
5 | School of Liberal Arts | 2 | Computer Science and Technology | Digital Media Technology | Contact person: Liu Jianglong Office Phone:029-83695806 Recruitment Email: wxy@mail.xaufe.edu.cn |
6 | School of Public Administration | 4 | Public Administration | Administrative Management, Public Policy | Contact person: Mr. Zhao Office Phone:029-81556890 Recruitment Email: ggglxy@mail.xaufe.edu.cn |
Politics | Political Theory |
7 | School of Foreign Languages | 5 | Foreign Languages and Literature | English Language and Literature, Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Translation Studies, Comparative Literature and Intercultural Studies, Subject Teaching (English) | Contact person: Zhou Yun Office Phone:029-83695534 Recruitment Email: wgyxy@mail.xaufe.edu.cn |
8 | School of Mathematics | 4 | Computer Science and Technology | Computer Software and Theory (Database System, Parallel Processing and High-Performance Computing, Artificial Intelligence) | Contact person: Sun Xiaomin Office Phone:029-81556911 Recruitment Email: sxxy@mail.xaufe.edu.cn |
Applied Economics | Quantitative Economics (Mathematical Economics, FinTech Direction) |
9 | Department of Physical Education | 1 | Physical Education ,Applied Economics, Science of Business Administration | Exercise Physiology, Exercise Anatomy, Sports Medicine, Exercise Biochemistry, Exercise Biomechanics, Exercise Rehabilitation Therapy, Sports Psychology, Social Sports Guidance and Management, Intelligent Sports Engineering, Sports History, Sports Philosophy, Sports Sociology, Sports Economics, Sports Management, Sports Law, Sports Journalism and Communication, Leisure Sports | Contact person: Niu Zheng Office Phone:029-85950162 Recruitment Email: tyjxb@mail.xaufe.edu.cn |
Total | 30 | | | |
IV. Recruitment conditions (1) Applicant should be under the age of 45 and in good health. (2) Hold a doctorate degree from a well-known domestic university or scientific research institution, have teaching or research experience, and able to independently teach at least one professional course in Chinese or English. (3) The professional background is in line with the discipline setting of the University and meets the teaching needs of the corresponding majors. (4) Comply with relevant provisions of theRegulations on theManagementof Employment of Foreignersin China, theRegulations on the Employment of Foreign Cultural and Educational Experts and Teachers by Institutions of Higher Learning, and theMeasures for the Employment of Foreign Professionals by Schools and Other Educational Institutions, and must be recommended by two domestic experts in relevant fields, one of whom must be applicant’s doctoral supervisor. V. Application methods The registration method is online registration. Applicants should submit resumes according to the contact information of the proposed school (department). Meanwhile, applicants should submit the Application Form for Foreign Professional Teachers of Xi’an University of Finance and Economics, the Form on Referral of Foreign Professional Teachers in Related Fields of Xi’an University of Finance and Economics, passport, academic degree certificate, academic achievements (main papers and related search certificates, works, scientific research projects and awards, inventions and creations and awards) and other relevant certification materials by email in the form of attachments (the attachments shall be a compressed package) to the email address of the school (department) applied for. The theme of the Email and the naming format of the attachments should be “Post - Graduation Institution - Major - Name”. Any applicants with incomplete materials and formats that do not meet the requirements will not be accepted. Please back up the registration materials by yourself. Xi’an University of Finance and Economics February 25, 2025 附件【1.西安財經(jīng)大學外籍專業(yè)教師相關領域專家推薦表.docx】 附件【2.西安財經(jīng)大學外籍專業(yè)教師聘用報名表.docx】 附件【3.Form on Referral of Foreign Professional Teachers in Related Fields of Xi’an University of Finance and Economics.docx】 附件【4.Application Form for Foreign Professional Teachers of Xi’an University of Finance and Economics.docx】